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Поделиться22011-03-25 08:10:06
Блин, не могу зайти с рабочего компа, выдает:
"This URL has a Web security rating that prohibits it from being accessed based on corporate policy. The requested site is either a known or suspected source of malware.
URL: http://forum.foresight-wow.ru/
Content rating rule: Web Reputation - Very Low"
Может подскажите как обойти?
Поделиться32011-03-25 18:18:25
"This URL has a Web security rating that prohibits it from being accessed based on corporate policy. The requested site is either a known or suspected source of malware.
URL: http://forum.foresight-wow.ru/
Content rating rule: Web Reputation - Very Low"
Сникурсу помогла смена имейла при регистрации.
Или ты вообще загрузить его не можешь?